Friday 26 February 2021

February 26, 2021


Obesity occurs as a result of complex issues, including unhealthy eating habits, lack of active physical activities/ exercise, genetic factors, frequent consumption of bad cholesterol foods, and drinks which your body is unable to burn. Besides, obesity can also be a sign of some kind of ailment in the body.
Regular exercise hastens the body’s metabolism process, thereby helping to burn off unwanted calories and high-fat deposits.

CAUSES- Other causes apart from those mentioned above include, improper digestion or indigestion, slow metabolism- when your body organs work too slow, eating late at night, menopause- it’s believed that when a woman menopause begins, her body starts to store fat at a higher rate, sedentary lifestyle

                          HEALTH CONSEQUENCES -
People who have obesity, compared to those with a normal or healthy weight, are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions, including
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)
Type 2 diabetes
Coronary heart disease
Gallbladder disease
Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
Sleep apnea and breathing problems
Some cancers (endometrial, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder, and liver)
Low quality of life
Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.
Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning.

REMEDY- First of all, avoid eating junk foods, snack in-between meals, stop or cut down on your beer intake, then indulge in some Tommy exercise like sit-up and Tommy crunching- straining up Tommy, start this exercise little by little e.g ten sit- up the first day, twelve the following day and so forth but do not exercise just after your meal, drink much water daily.  Get some leaves of cassia occidentalis also known as senna leaves, wash and dry them properly, grind them into powder and add a teaspoon of it in a cup of hot water, allow cooling, and drink- do it morning and night.
Or simply put some of the dried leaves in a cup and pour in some hot water, allow cooling, sieve or filter and drink.- morning and night

Photo of cassia occidentalis/ Senna
    URHOBO - Amroke
    YORUBA - Asunrun Oyinbo
    IGBO -     - Ogalu

OPTION 2: Get a bottle of apple cider vinegar, add two tablespoons of it in a glass of warm water, and drink- do it two or three times daily.
CAUTION- Obesity is one of the major causes of death these days. Do not delay as you may not know the effect until some serious damage has been done with or without symptoms.

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. The only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Saturday 4 April 2020

April 04, 2020


Staphylococcus is a bacterial infection that causes a range of health problems to both humans and animals with over forty species including the dreaded methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and genus of others that are resistant to certain anti-bacterial drugs. 

It’s a disease that so many people suffer from, but do not know. The effects of staph can cause a range of health hazards including infertility both in men and in women by weakening the immune system, destroying reproductive organs, lowering sperm count, or causing the total absence of active sperm needed to fertilize the egg; blocking the fallopian tube, causing tumors such as fibroid and other benign and non-benign tumors. 

To cut a long story short, Staphylococcus is a “mother” of ailment. In other words, it can give birth to so many other ailments in the body; both the ones you can imagine and the ones you cannot imagine, common health problems like constant fever/malaria/headache/pains, weakness of the body, itching in almost every part of the body, poor memory, discharge from the male/female organ and so on; can be caused by staphylococcus infections.

Staphylococcus infection also causes:
Heart/lung or kidney diseases
Weak erection
Quick ejaculation or premature ejaculation
Skin problems e.t.c


Majorly through sexual intercourse.
Sharing of devices like hair clippers. Catheter, feeding tubes without proper sanitization or sterilization.
Been hospitalized (hospital environment).
Dirty environment.
Surgical incision or operation.
Weak immune system (staph can also make the immune weak).
Injury to the skin.
Impure water e.t.c.

                                                 Staphylococcus Aureus illustration

Yes!  Staphylococcus is curable when the right medication is administered. Staph has become very resistant to synthetic drugs such as ampicillin, methicillin, and other synthetic drugs in tablet or injection; hence, they caused it methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.  This is the reason many have to take different medications without a cure.
However, the bacteria can be eliminated from the body with us some of the most effective herbs or by raising the body's PH level with alkaline-based products.

SYMPTOMS- Infertility, ceased, scanty or irregular menstruation, waist pain, watery sperm, poor memory/brain fog, weak erection, quick ejaculation, movement in the body, a brief bit at the tip of the penis, boil in the armpit or in other parts of the body e.t.c. However, Symptoms vary in individual. 

CAUSES- Bacterial infections, either through sex or the environment, including the hospital. In children, it could be as a result of sexual abuse by a grown-up, salivary contact through kissing, and environment or from mother to child.

Staphylococcus requires VERY EFFECTIVE specialized alkaline products like MASTERCURE for total eradication. It's only #10,500 (Ten thousand five hundred naira) for one person- a dose. 

Click here to see and read more about MASTERUCRE

If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Visit Victory therapy centre between P.T.I junction and D.S.C roundabout Effurun, Wado city. or call 08103478607.
We also send this product across the country and abroad through parcel services, post offices, and other available channels of delivery.

A couple should take it together, Children below six may not take it.

Friday 3 April 2020

April 03, 2020


Photo: Poor memory illustration

Poor memory is a situation of lack of mental clarity, caused by various factors. It’s a condition that deprives one from thinking and reasoning clearly or making a good judgment. People who suffer from chronic or acute poor memory/ forgetfulness may be having dementia or Alzheimer's disease. This disease is commonly found among old people; however, development may start early in younger people. 

SYMPTOMS- forgetfulness, irrational statement, mental confusion, slurred and incoherent speech e.t.c.

CAUSES- Bio-chemical imbalance, nutrient deficiency, the use of drugs and caffeine, depression, infections, chronic fatigue, stress, Alzheimer's disease, or dementia. e.t.c.

REMEDY – Take a balanced diet, drink tea of grinded thyme and rosemary spice or mix both with pure honey and take two tablespoon -morning and evening- one tablespoon for children. If you are to take it as tea, then also inhale the hot vapour of the tea before drinking it. Fasting occasionally will help to eliminate waist and toxins, take food that is high in magnesium, calcium like onion, garlic, lime, milk, cut down on alcohol, and stop smoking, every morning take a deep breathe through one of your nostrils while pinning down the other with one of your fingers, then release the one you pinned down and breathe out through it, repeat this simple brain exercise always, it improves memory by clearing the brain hemisphere. The use of coconut oil, high-quality protein omega ‘3’ oil found in fish has been found to be good for memory and brain fog. 

Give your brain some exercise by always reading, studying, and learning new things. Nevertheless, bacteria also cause poor memory, for instance, if the catarrh from the nose is having a foul smell or you have bad breath; in that case, Squeeze some fresh scent leave and drop the fresh juice inside your nostril. It will kill the bacteria and improve your faculty. 
Don’t be dull, Act now!
Dried thyme leaves
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Thursday 2 April 2020

April 02, 2020


A hernia occurs when an organ or a tissue squeezes through an opening or weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connecting tissue.

It may develop at birth or over a period of time.
A hernia is classified according to the affected area or the part of the body where they develop.
One of the most common hernias is the indirect inguinal hernia which occurs when the testicle fails to descend from the scrotum and becomes enlarged or complicated over a period of time/activities.

CAUSES -  Activities and medical problems that increase pressure on the abdominal wall can lead to a hernia. These include but are not limited to: straining on the toilet (due to long-term constipation, for example) persistent cough, cystic fibrosis, enlarged prostate, straining to urinate, being overweight or obese, abdominal fluid, lifting heavy objects, peritoneal dialysis, poor nutrition, and bad eating habit,

smoking, physical exertion, undescended testicles, Constipation, smoking, and even bacteria infections.

HOME REMEDY- Avoid pressure and heat on the affected parts, cut down on your weight if you are fat, avoid stress, do not smoke, avoid wearing tight clothes, do not eat too much food at a time, do not go to bed just after eating, avoid lifting a heavy object, avoid too much spicy food, use low or no pillow when sleeping, avoid the activities that will put too much pressure in your stomach like sneezing, laughing, rigorous exercise, driving long distances, jumping and other strenuous activities, place an ice block or ice pack on affected part when you fell a heat upon it, avoid sugar, fatty food and high acidic fruit like limes. Lift the head side of your bed by 6’’ inches but do not use a pillow.

HERBAL REMEDY- Get some grinded chamomile dry leaves,(you can get chamomile to add a tablespoon of it in a teacup of hot water, allow cooling, and drink- two or three times a day.

OR get some senna leaves, dry very well, put about three of four leaves into a teacup and add some hot water, allow cooling, and drink. Take it twice a day (senna leaves is good in treating constipation and ridding the body of toxins)

      Photo: Senna leaves
URHOBO - Amroke
YORUBA - Asunrun Oyinbo
IGBO -     - Ogalu
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

April 02, 2020


The prostate is located just below the bladder where urine is stored. The prostate may become enlarged due to various contributory factors, as it enlarges, the layer of tissues surrounding it deprives it of expanding, causing the gland to press against the urethra and bladder wall to become less flexible causing pains and discomfort.

 Due to this pressure, the bladder begins to malfunction. 

SYMPTOMS – Frequent but poor urinary flow, painful urination, a feeling that the bladder is not quite empty even just after urination, painful and bloody ejaculation[semen], erectile dysfunction, frequent night urination.

CAUSES – Aging, hereditary, hormonal disorders, dietary fat, toxins, infection, and diseases.

MORE CAUSES: This condition is sometimes caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria may already in your stomach and intestines, bacteria that have infected the urinary tract, or other bacteria. This scenario is more likely in younger patients. In older men, the infection may be caused by catheters remaining in place for long periods of time during hospitalization or a period of disability. 

Most often (in up to 80% of cases) no bacteria are ever found. 

Prostatitis may occur in an acute form—a sudden infection that does not linger once it is treated—or a more chronic form that may last for months or even longer. Risk factors for prostatitis are:

having a urinary tract or bladder infection
injuries to the pelvis
a past episode of prostatitis
unprotected sexual intercourse
being catheterized (having a tube inserted into the urethra to drain urine)
genetic inheritance
infection with HIV. 

PREVENTION- Avoid foods that are high in cholesterol and fat especially processed foods and drinks, avoid too much alcohol, eat fish and cut down or avoid red meats, take foods, drinks, and supplements that are high in vitamins and minerals, like vegetable, watermelon, red grape, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, garlic and ginger and drink so much water.

REMEDY- visit back soon
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here 
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.
April 02, 2020


Poor memory is a situation of lack of mental clarity, caused by various factors. It’s a condition that deprives one from thinking and reasoning clearly or making a good judgment. People who suffer from chronic or acute poor memory/ forgetfulness may be having dementia or Alzheimer's disease. This disease is commonly found among old people; however, development may start early in younger people. 
SYMPTOMS- forgetfulness, irrational statement, mental confusion, slurred and incoherent speech e.t.c.
CAUSES- Bio-chemical imbalance, nutrient deficiency, the use of drug and caffeine, depression, infections, chronic fatigue, stress, Alzheimer's disease or dementia. e.t.c.

REMEDY – Take a balanced diet, drink tea of grinded thyme and rosemary spice or mix both with pure honey and take two tablespoons -morning and evening- one tablespoon for children. If you are to take it as a tea, then also inhale the hot vapour of the tea before drinking it. 


Fasting occasionally will help to eliminate waist and toxins, take food that is high in magnesium, calcium like onion,  garlic, lime,  milk, cut down on alcohol and stop smoking, every morning take a deep breathe through one of your nostrils while pinning down the other with one of your fingers, then release the one you pinned down and breathe out through it, repeat this simple brain exercise always, it improves memory by clearing the brain hemisphere. The use of coconut oil, high-quality protein omega ‘3’ oil found in fish has been found to be good for memory and brain fog. Give your brain some exercise by always reading, studying and learning new things. Nevertheless, bacteria also cause poor memory, for instance, if the catarrh from the nose is having a foul smell or you have bad breath; in that case, Squeeze some fresh scent leave and drop the fresh juice inside your nostril. It will kill the bacteria and improve your faculty. Don’t be dull, Act now!
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.
April 02, 2020


Hypotension or low blood pressure is the opposite of hypertension or high blood pressure. It is a condition that occurs as a result of abnormally low blood pressure or sluggish blood flow in the body. 
Hypotension is also a silent killer and the symptoms are even hard to detect as compared to hypertension except in a more severe case. 

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE- Stiff neck, loss of consciousness, indigestion, irregular heartbeat, upper back pain, seizures, weakness, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, and shock especially in a more severe case by depriving the brain and other vital organs of oxygen and nutrients. They also present other similar symptoms to high blood pressure.

CAUSES INCLUDE- The major cause of low blood pressure is lack of salt (sodium) or high concentration of potassium in the body,  {potassium is for lowering blood pressure}malnutrition, improper medication, anemia, hormonal changes, insufficient fluid intake or excessive fluid loss, heart problems, too much intake of medication and food supplement for high blood pressure like garlic and even cold water.

PREVENTION- Indulge in regular but mild exercise, include salt in your meal, drink enough clean water, cut down on food and fruits that contain high potassium like banana, vegetables, peanut (groundnut)e.t.c.

REMEDY- The first remedy is to bathe with very warm water on a daily basis. Get some alligator pepper, pound the seeds and add to gin/whiskey/hot drink and take DOSAGE- half or one-shot or 3cl- morning and night. 
Or get some mistletoe leaves, wash properly, put in a pot, add some water and cook for some minutes, allow cooling, and add some lime juice to preserve.

DOSAGE- One teacup or mug – two or three times a day.
Or dry the leaves of mistletoe, grind to powder level and add about a teaspoon of it into hot water, allow cooling, and drink- morning and night.
You may just add about three or four leaflets in a cup, add hot water, allow cooling, and drink- do that every morning and night till symptoms improve.

NOTE- Please don’t get addicted to drinking a hot drink and don’t drink more than prescribed here.

                               Photo: mistletoe tree

NOTE: Mistletoe is a parasite tree that grows on the branches of other trees. Use the one that grew on fruit trees like orange e.t.c.
URHOBO - Adamuera, adadamu
YORUBA - Afomo onisana
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

April 02, 2020


Heart disease is a term used in referring to a series of serious problems affecting the heart that one may be suffering from. Heart problems of any kind should not be taking for granted at all as delay could be very dangerous, if not deadly. Heart diseases don’t just occur at once, they develop over a period of time. It’s therefore important to go for a regular checkup and heart analysis.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Chest pain, difficulty breathing, palpitation, heartburns, back pain, weakness, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, heart failure, fainting, heaviness of chest.

CAUSES INCLUDE- Lack of exercise or too much intense rigorous exercise, bad eating habits, smoking, drug overdose, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive alcohol intake, defect, artery problems.

CAUTION- Heart diseases could mean a sign of early death as it is the major cause of death among the young and the old all around the world today according to the survey.

            BLACK PEPPER(Piper nigrum)


URHOBO - Echacha
YORUBA - Iyere

REMEDY- Have very sufficient rest every day, then get some garlic, black pepper (echacha in Urhobo)  bitter leaves (Onugbu/Origbo) some dried cayenne pepper (long pepper) and about ten lime oranges, wash and pound them, Cut the limes in pieces, Pour into a pot, add sufficient water and cook for a while, allow cooling, pour into a gallon and preserve.

You may add a little pure honey to taste

DOSAGE: One mug or 50ml - morning and night, children to take half of the dosage.

N/B – You must have positive thoughts consigning your condition and daily declaring that you shall live and not die by the power of the most high God in Jesus name, for by his stripes, we are healed. Ensure to take care of your health.

WARNING: Don't joke with any heart-related problems. 

If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
The only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

April 02, 2020


Smoking is not only dangerous to health; it is also a bad habit that may be intolerable to others- non-smokers. The effects of smoking affect not only the smoker but also a non-smoker who unconsciously inhale the smoke or fume from the cigarette. The decision to start smoking can be effected immediately but quitting smoking takes more than a decision, it requires all the tools of discipline which include a will, mindset, determination, and a firm decision. Apparently, it is a difficult task to quit smoking, yet not impossible. There are two major factors that will determine your success in quitting smoking as quickly as possible. They are:

1.    WILL- You must have a strong will against smoking. The desire and determination you have will go a long way to help you stop smoking. The reason why people still find themselves smoking even when they have decided not to smoke anymore is that they haven’t had the will to stop smoking, they only contemplate quitting. Where there is a will, there’s away. You can’t stop unless you have the will.

2.    MINDSET- You must think about the effects of smoking, the health hazard it means to your body, the bad habit associated with it and you must see smoking as a strange negative indulgence, after all, there’s nothing good in smoking, don’t you think so? Don’t try to deceive yourself by thinking that when you smoke, you get relief from some depressing condition, no you don’t! rather you compound the problems and don’t forget smokers are liable to die young, even the producers said so. According to a study, smoking is a major cause of most deadly diseases and disorders including lung cancer, heart diseases, high blood pressure, gum diseases, depression, diabetes, low sperm count, infertility in men and women, bones and joint disorders, also causes bad breath [smelling mouth].

REMEDY- You will soon stop smoking if you replace a packet of cigarettes with a packet of vitamin C tablets in your pocket, taking one each time you think about smoking. Also try and resist the temptation to smoke, avoid friends that will make you smoke. Take fruits especially watermelon.

Some herbs, like the bitter leaves (Vernonia amygdalina) or bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) will help to suppress your craving for smoking. just wash some clean leaves, put in a blender, add some water, then blend smoothly. filter out the juice and drink; do this once a day for about a week. but before you take the bitter leaves. ensure your blood sugar is in a good range as bitter can lower your sugar level.
Good luck!
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

 Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here 
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.