Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children. Show all posts

Friday 3 February 2023

February 03, 2023


                              Photo: illustration purpose only

Typhoid fever is usually caused by salmonella typhi bacteria. It’s contacted by the injection of contaminated food and water. 

Symptoms may last up to two weeks or more in the infected person and maybe severe with those with a weak immune system and children that have not been vaccinated. Typhoid is far less common in industrialized and developed nations but has a stronghold in less developed nations due to poor sanitation.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Headache, dry throat, abdominal pains, backache, rashes, diarrhea in children, constipation in adults, loss of appetite, weakness, a coated tongue that looks whitish, inflammation of the bones, higher body temperature that reaches up to 40 degrees and usually subside at night and increases in the morning.

CAUSES – Poor sanitation/dirty environment, improper diet, habit, contaminated foods, and water.

  FIRST AIDS TREATMENT – The first step in treating typhoid is to take very many fresh oranges or pineapples (Vitamin C.). 
Get a bowl of hot water and another bowl of cold water, dip your feet in the hot and in the cold water alternatively in an interval of thirty seconds to regulate your body temperature. 

If the body is very hot and temperature is high,  then soak the white part of a broken raw eggs with a handkerchief or very small towel, place it on both feet, and wear socks over it, or break the egg in a bowl and place your feet on the bowl or pound some raw onions or potatoes, stuck in a suck and wear it. It will drag down the high temperature from the brain where it is potentially dangerous to the feet till it stops.

REMEDY – Get three Lipton tea, the bark of a mango tree -optional), Four grape oranges, yellowish pawpaw leaves, about ten chloroquine leaves, and about ten lime oranges, cut all others except the Lipton tea in pieces, put in a pot, add about 4 litres of water, Cook, and allow cooling.

DOSAGE: Take one teacup or a mug full as an adult then give half of the dose to children above twelve and a shot or 10ml to 15ml of it to children below twelve years of age. 

N/B – Cleanliness is next to Godliness, keep your environment clean at all times, always cover your foods to avoid contamination, and drink from a clean source.




 If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. The comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

September 07, 2021


An ulcer is a common health problem among middle-aged people. It’s an open sore on the organ or tissues in the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum, or other organs of the body. 

The best way to treat ulcer is to avoid the intake of whatever complicates it, like aspirin, alcohol, smoking, strong food like carrot, groundnut e.t.c. starving and too much fasting should also be avoided. 

NOTE- If you have an ulcer, you don’t just eat anything edible. High acidity foods and drinks like limes, oranges e.t.c can increase the condition.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Burning sensation, sharp pain in the affected organ, pain when the stomach is empty, mild heartburn, blood in feces, weakness, excessive thirst, blood in vomit.

CAUSES- Germs in the body, hereditary, bad eating habits, excessive use of aspirin, stress.

REMEDY- Get some cabbage leaves, two nutmegs, seven long black pepper (xylopia aethiopica) , unripe plantain(pill off the skin) wash and pound the rest and cut the plantain in pieces, put all in a clean four liters gallon and fill with water, allow to stay for two or three days, then shake very well. You may also add some honey to taste.

(You may keep it in a refrigerator. pls, not freezer)

DOSAGE- one mug or teacup full - three or four times a day. Those with peptic ulcers should also take this recommendation.

Cabbage leaves

Long black pepper (
xylopia aethiopica)

NOTE: You may add some honey to the mixture before taking it.
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Thursday 2 April 2020

April 02, 2020


Poor memory is a situation of lack of mental clarity, caused by various factors. It’s a condition that deprives one from thinking and reasoning clearly or making a good judgment. People who suffer from chronic or acute poor memory/ forgetfulness may be having dementia or Alzheimer's disease. This disease is commonly found among old people; however, development may start early in younger people. 
SYMPTOMS- forgetfulness, irrational statement, mental confusion, slurred and incoherent speech e.t.c.
CAUSES- Bio-chemical imbalance, nutrient deficiency, the use of drug and caffeine, depression, infections, chronic fatigue, stress, Alzheimer's disease or dementia. e.t.c.

REMEDY – Take a balanced diet, drink tea of grinded thyme and rosemary spice or mix both with pure honey and take two tablespoons -morning and evening- one tablespoon for children. If you are to take it as a tea, then also inhale the hot vapour of the tea before drinking it. 


Fasting occasionally will help to eliminate waist and toxins, take food that is high in magnesium, calcium like onion,  garlic, lime,  milk, cut down on alcohol and stop smoking, every morning take a deep breathe through one of your nostrils while pinning down the other with one of your fingers, then release the one you pinned down and breathe out through it, repeat this simple brain exercise always, it improves memory by clearing the brain hemisphere. The use of coconut oil, high-quality protein omega ‘3’ oil found in fish has been found to be good for memory and brain fog. Give your brain some exercise by always reading, studying and learning new things. Nevertheless, bacteria also cause poor memory, for instance, if the catarrh from the nose is having a foul smell or you have bad breath; in that case, Squeeze some fresh scent leave and drop the fresh juice inside your nostril. It will kill the bacteria and improve your faculty. Don’t be dull, Act now!
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Friday 1 March 2019

March 01, 2019


                        Photo: Aids illustration

There may be speculations about whether HIVAIDS can be cured or not. However, studies have shown that some herbs possess a strong anti-viral property that can subdue and eliminate the virus that causes aids in the human body, some of these herbs are Phyllanthus amerus and Momordica charantia combine with pure coconut oil. ( the description of these herbs is on the hepatitis remedy page, Click here to see.

Get much of these two herbs, dry them properly and grind them, then add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and drink- twice a day or simply add three or four of the dried leaves each into a cup of hot water, allow cooling, sieve or filter, and drink- twice or thrice a day.
 Or you may use the recommendation for hepatitis in this blog.
Ensure to take two tablespoons of pure coconut oil with the herbal products and eat three nuts of bitter kola daily.

Bitter kola

SYMPTOMS- Sweating mostly at night, muscle soreness, mouth or genital ulcer, joint pain, diarrhea, headache, weakness, weight loss,  shortness of breath, high fever, skin rashes or bumps, blurred vision, chronic fatigue, feeling cold most of a time, coated tongue or mouth, inexplicable feelings. The symptoms of aids are numerous and show according to the severity.

CAUSES- HIV-virus is contracted through sex or blood contact with an infected person or object.

PREVENTION- Abstinence from sex, using protective like a good condom during sex, sterilize the clipper or razor before use, don’t share a razor with others - prevention is better than cure. 
Go for a regular checkups and don’t panic about the result. Abstinence remains the best cure. Declare in Jesus' name that you shall not die but live to glorify God - for by His stripes we are healed.

NOTE – Hiv/aids and other viral infections are not such kind of health diseases one can cure in just a few days, you must be ready to take this remedy and undergo a strict regimen of avoiding processed foods and drink, no limes, no sugar, no alcohol, no food made of flour such as bread, eggroll, cakes e.t.c. until the virus is drastically reduced or eliminated from the system completely.

                              Phyllantus Amerus

                                    Momordica charantia

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comments that pertain to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Thursday 28 February 2019

February 28, 2019


When one consumes excessive or even little sugary food often and his/her pancreas is unable to release sufficient insulin or when the cells fails to respond to the insulin to convert the sugar into glucose for proper utilization and assimilation of the body, the end result is diabetes. . 

There various types of diabetes which are also classified based on the causes.

 TYPE 1 > This occurs when the body fails to produce sufficient insulin, as a result, the patient requires insulin injected artificially  which is commonly known as insulin dependent diabetes.                                           

 TYPE 2 > this occurs as a result of the cells failure to properly utilize the insulin released by the body.                

GESTATIONAL DIABETES> Occurs in pregnant women who became diabetic as a result of their pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman body undergoes rapid changes.  These changes may result to high concentration of glucose in the bloodstream which may eventually result to what is known as gestational diabetes.

Other types are- congenital diabetes, fibrosis related diabetes e.t.c

Effect of diabetes may include- heart diseases, chronic renal failure or retinal damage, immune-deficiency e.t.c

CAUSES INCLUDE- Excessive consumption of high sugary food, high cholesterol level, smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, lack of adequate exercise, lifestyle, bad eating habit, genetic factors e.t.c                      

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE- frequent urination especially at night, blunt vision, frequent thirst, one sided headache(migraine) , flies are attracted to urine, boil on the skin e.t.c.    

                                       TIPS ON HOW TO PREVENT DIABETES

Avoid high sugary food and drinks, cut down on white bread, rice, sweet potatoes, and all processed food, eat fish instead of meat, avoid excessive intake of salt, cultivate the habit of taking fruits, onion, cucumber, tomatoes, garlic and ginger and also eat beans, unripe plantain, eat amala instead of eba, avoid coffee and alcohol, eat little meal at a time, cut down on starchy food, lead a stress free life, take only what you know is good for your health.

Bitter leaves juice

Momordica Charantia (Ujiro)

REMEDY- Get some clean bitter leaves, or momordica charantia also known as bitter goud (Ujiro in Urhobo) wash properly, then squeeze with clean water and drink the juice or dry the leaves, boil them with water and drink.

DOSAGE- Half cup –morning and evening.

CAUTION – Please always check your sugar level when drinking bitter leave juice in order not to over lower your sugar level. Pregnant women and expecting mothers may drink very little quantity.

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Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.   
February 28, 2019


Measles also known as rubeola morbilli is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus. Measles is highly contagious spreading through respiration or fluid from an infected person’s mouth or nose directly or by airborne through coughing, sneezing. 

While measles is best known for its full body rash, the infections are characterized by cough, running nose, red eye, high fever with high body temperature, small red –white spot around the mouth and nose region and conjunctivitis. The effect of measles in a child can be very disastrous if not attended to on time. The disease contributes to infant mortality worldwide.

Like measles, chickenpox is also caused by virus and very contagious in the same ways as measles. However, the onset of chicken pox takes effect from 10 -20 days after contact with infected person for someone to develop the infection and the is symptoms is often characterized with itching, headache, sore throat, nausea fever, pain in both ears, swollen face or pressure in the head, thick rashes that leaves a long lasting black spot on the body, high body temperature, may include severe back pain and loss of appetite. Comparably, the disease is more severe in adult male than in children and adult female, but the symptoms are similar.

CAUSES- The major cause of measles is lack of vaccination, other contributory factors include, dirty environment and contamination.

REMEDY – One tablespoon of pure coconut oil  – three to four times a day also take coca cola drink (Coke) along side,  adult can take some sweet palm wine instead of coke drink till symptoms disappears or mix the juice of scent leave with a bottle  of pure honey.

DOSAGE - one shot or half teacup- three times a day.    
Children can take this recommendation too but in a reduced quantity.

Please, you may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.

Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this book for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

February 26, 2019


Bed-wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence is involuntary urination while asleep. It's a normal condition to children below six years of age. Nonetheless, some teenagers and adults bed wet as well; not because they want to, but because there’s something wrong with their urinary system that need to be corrected with time or with the use of natural herbs and roots. 

Bed-wetting in children and adults can result in emotional stress. Complications can include urinary tract infections, sense of inferiority complex and self pity. It may last for a while, but providing emotional support and reassurance will help the victim to sustain self confidence.

SYMPTOM- Bed wetting after the normal age.

CAUSES- Bladder abnormalities, infections and other medical disorders.

REMEDY- First of all, try not to take or give too much water to the victim few hours before bed. Treat the victim or yourself of infection. (search this blog for cure of infections) Take some garlic any way you can. Then get some scent leaves, fresh thyme leaves and  about three leaflet of bitter leaves, wash them properly, put in a blender add some water and blend, or or grind and add water, then filter out the juice, pour in a gallon and add a bottle pure honey.
DOSAGE- One teacup or one mug full for  adult  and half of it to children above six years - morning and before bed at night. 
NOTE: you make cook the herbs with some water, allow cooling, filter out the decoction and pour into a gallon and add the honey before taking if you can take it raw.

WARNING: Bed-wetting can be caused by an evil spirit, especially when the person sees someone telling him/her to urinate in the dream- if you like believe it or not, that is the truth. Don't be ignorant. Pray and fast for two or three days. See a trusted believer who can counsel you and encourage you.

Some family are plagued with this problems as a result of some genetic problems. Whiles others suffers this because of evil entanglement/ covenants, ancestral spirit.

The evil powers affliction and disgrace young men and women with this to keep them from pursuing their dream and also to keep them from associating and getting married.

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.

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