The scrotum may become inflamed or severe itching as a result of various factors. This problem occurs frequently in young men between 20 - 39, though it can also affect males of all ages at some stage as a result of certain disorders occasioned by infections or the intake of some drugs.
In children, lack of vaccination and bacteria infections that may have occurred as a result of sexual abuse by a grown-up. Epididymitis infection is one of the causes of the inflamed scrotum and a major cause of infertility in men because of its effect on the sperm.
Not all itching scrotum is a sign of bacteria infection. Heat and allergy can also cause the scrotum to itch occasionally.
CAUSES INCLUDE- Bacteria and viral infection such as Staphylococcus, Chlamydia, Heat, and Abnormal Scrotal sac, it's also a sign of low sperm count caused by these infections in some cases, Allergy. e.t.c.
SYMPTOMS- Pains in one or both testicles, blood may be in urine, swelling in one or both testicles, itching of a testicle, the testicle may become smaller than usual, a burning sensation in scrotum occasionally and sometimes after urinating.
To reduce the itching of the scrotum, apply Vaseline cream, Damatol, or any cream that contains menthol. You can also apply dusty powder. This will immediately reduce the itching.
If after using the Damatol or Vaseline cream the symptoms still persist, go to the pharmacy and get medication for allergy, like
- yes it could be a problem of allergy, ask for the direction on how to take it when you've got it. (Read more about Loratadine here)Ensure to figure out the food or drink that you often eat or drink that could be causing the itching. Eating groundnut/peanut has been discovered to be a major cause of allergy which causes severe and constant itching.
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