Showing posts with label Infection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infection. Show all posts

Friday, 3 February 2023

February 03, 2023


The scrotum may become inflamed or severe itching as a result of various factors. This problem occurs frequently in young men between 20 - 39, though it can also affect males of all ages at some stage as a result of certain disorders occasioned by infections or the intake of some drugs. 

In children, lack of vaccination and bacteria infections that may have occurred as a result of sexual abuse by a grown-up. Epididymitis infection is one of the causes of the inflamed scrotum and a major cause of infertility in men because of its effect on the sperm.

Not all itching scrotum is a sign of bacteria infection. Heat and allergy can also cause the scrotum to itch occasionally.

CAUSES INCLUDE- Bacteria and viral infection such as Staphylococcus, Chlamydia, Heat, and Abnormal Scrotal sac, it's also a sign of low sperm count caused by these infections in some cases, Allergy. e.t.c.

SYMPTOMS- Pains in one or both testicles, blood may be in urine, swelling in one or both testicles, itching of a testicle, the testicle may become smaller than usual, a burning sensation in scrotum occasionally and sometimes after urinating.

To reduce the itching of the scrotum, apply Vaseline cream, Damatol, or any cream that contains menthol. You can also apply dusty powder. This will immediately reduce the itching.
If after using the Damatol or Vaseline cream the symptoms still persist, go to the pharmacy and get medication for allergy,  like 


  - yes it could be a problem of allergy, ask for the direction on how to take it when you've got it. (Read more about Loratadine here)

Ensure to figure out the food or drink that you often eat or drink that could be causing the itching. Eating groundnut/peanut has been discovered to be a major cause of allergy which causes severe and constant itching.

If you want further professional natural care for any health challenge, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here 
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

September 07, 2021


An ulcer is a common health problem among middle-aged people. It’s an open sore on the organ or tissues in the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum, or other organs of the body. 

The best way to treat ulcer is to avoid the intake of whatever complicates it, like aspirin, alcohol, smoking, strong food like carrot, groundnut e.t.c. starving and too much fasting should also be avoided. 

NOTE- If you have an ulcer, you don’t just eat anything edible. High acidity foods and drinks like limes, oranges e.t.c can increase the condition.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Burning sensation, sharp pain in the affected organ, pain when the stomach is empty, mild heartburn, blood in feces, weakness, excessive thirst, blood in vomit.

CAUSES- Germs in the body, hereditary, bad eating habits, excessive use of aspirin, stress.

REMEDY- Get some cabbage leaves, two nutmegs, seven long black pepper (xylopia aethiopica) , unripe plantain(pill off the skin) wash and pound the rest and cut the plantain in pieces, put all in a clean four liters gallon and fill with water, allow to stay for two or three days, then shake very well. You may also add some honey to taste.

(You may keep it in a refrigerator. pls, not freezer)

DOSAGE- one mug or teacup full - three or four times a day. Those with peptic ulcers should also take this recommendation.

Cabbage leaves

Long black pepper (
xylopia aethiopica)

NOTE: You may add some honey to the mixture before taking it.
You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
The only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

April 04, 2020


Staphylococcus is a bacterial infection that causes a range of health problems to both humans and animals with over forty species including the dreaded methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and genus of others that are resistant to certain anti-bacterial drugs. 

It’s a disease that so many people suffer from, but do not know. The effects of staph can cause a range of health hazards including infertility both in men and in women by weakening the immune system, destroying reproductive organs, lowering sperm count, or causing the total absence of active sperm needed to fertilize the egg; blocking the fallopian tube, causing tumors such as fibroid and other benign and non-benign tumors. 

To cut a long story short, Staphylococcus is a “mother” of ailment. In other words, it can give birth to so many other ailments in the body; both the ones you can imagine and the ones you cannot imagine, common health problems like constant fever/malaria/headache/pains, weakness of the body, itching in almost every part of the body, poor memory, discharge from the male/female organ and so on; can be caused by staphylococcus infections.

Staphylococcus infection also causes:
Heart/lung or kidney diseases
Weak erection
Quick ejaculation or premature ejaculation
Skin problems e.t.c


Majorly through sexual intercourse.
Sharing of devices like hair clippers. Catheter, feeding tubes without proper sanitization or sterilization.
Been hospitalized (hospital environment).
Dirty environment.
Surgical incision or operation.
Weak immune system (staph can also make the immune weak).
Injury to the skin.
Impure water e.t.c.

                                                 Staphylococcus Aureus illustration

Yes!  Staphylococcus is curable when the right medication is administered. Staph has become very resistant to synthetic drugs such as ampicillin, methicillin, and other synthetic drugs in tablet or injection; hence, they caused it methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.  This is the reason many have to take different medications without a cure.
However, the bacteria can be eliminated from the body with us some of the most effective herbs or by raising the body's PH level with alkaline-based products.

SYMPTOMS- Infertility, ceased, scanty or irregular menstruation, waist pain, watery sperm, poor memory/brain fog, weak erection, quick ejaculation, movement in the body, a brief bit at the tip of the penis, boil in the armpit or in other parts of the body e.t.c. However, Symptoms vary in individual. 

CAUSES- Bacterial infections, either through sex or the environment, including the hospital. In children, it could be as a result of sexual abuse by a grown-up, salivary contact through kissing, and environment or from mother to child.

Staphylococcus requires VERY EFFECTIVE specialized alkaline products like MASTERCURE for total eradication. It's only #10,500 (Ten thousand five hundred naira) for one person- a dose. 

Click here to see and read more about MASTERUCRE

If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Visit Victory therapy centre between P.T.I junction and D.S.C roundabout Effurun, Wado city. or call 08103478607.
We also send this product across the country and abroad through parcel services, post offices, and other available channels of delivery.

A couple should take it together, Children below six may not take it.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

April 02, 2020


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term used to describe a situation whereby the urinary system - your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra.

Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men. The effects are usually severe in the bladder and the urethra.

It is advisable that once the symptoms of the bladder infections are noticed, treatment must follow immediately since they can result in cell malignancy [cancer] and other serious health problems.

SYMPTOMS – Frequent urination, pains in the lower abdomen, urine may cease when urinating, a burning sensation in the urinary tract, passing frequent, small amounts of urine, bad odor from urine, cloudy. dirty looking urine.

feverish condition e.t.c.
If you notice any of these symptoms, go for a test. Symptoms may not appear in the early stage of the infection.

CAUSES – Bacterial infections, especially through sex.

REMEDY – Get two hundred naira worth of grinded tobacco (taba/snoff), one hundred naira worth of garlic, three wonderful kola, pound the garlic and the wonderful, pour all into two litres of lime juice. Shake very well and take one shot or half teacup full- morning and night till symptoms disappear.

If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here 
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

March 02, 2019


 Internal heat is a situation of burning sensation internally. Women face this problem more often than men. Sometimes, the heat starts from the stomach, the chest, the throat, or the waist region and radiates all through the body.

Some persons feel very hot from the inside (high core temperature) but would have a normal temperature outside the body (skin temperature)

Moreover, some will feel intense internal body heat and will start sweating profusely while others will only feel hot within without sweating.

Internal heat occurs irrespective of the environmental or atmospheric conditions and may sometimes come with headaches, tiredness, and rapid heartbeat.
There are several factors that can cause internal body heat. These factors range from minor to major. 

Below are some of them:

  • Illness and medical conditions such as malaria, Infections, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, insomnia, seizures, muscular agitations, neurological disorders.
  • Dehydration
  • Hot atmospheric conditions prevent proper core body temperature regulation through sweating.
  • Improper clothing, Strenuous physical activities, or exercise
  • Certain drugs and stimulants such as cocaine etc
  • Excessive worry and Emotional problems and lots more.

It is, therefore,  important that one should study his/her body very well to know the exact actions that trigger the internal heat.

Knowing these things that trigger it will help you to avoid them as much as possible.

Other causes include

Free radicals like internal worms and bacteria infections

Hot and Spicy foods
Oil and fried foods
Foods rich in sodium
Caffeine and Alcohol
Cigarette smoke
It's also a sign of an allergy.

Always take garlic, cucumber, Watermelon, and other fruits.

When a woman is pregnant and also experiencing internal heat, it could be a result of the change that occurs inside of her body.
REMEDY- Please go for a test for infection or a general test. In case of infection, look for the cure of that infection from this blog or Get some garlic, black pepper, onion, and avocado pear leaves, wash, pound them, pour in a pot and add some water, cook for some minutes. Allow cooling, filter out the decoction, pour into a container, and add a bottle of pure honey.
DOSAGE- Half teacup- three times a day.

If symptoms persist, go to the hospital.
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
Feel like buying me a drink?  I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here
You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Friday, 1 March 2019

March 01, 2019


Gonorrhea is a common and serious contagious sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Gonorrhea is spread through sexual contact with an infected person. This includes oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Women have greater chances of getting the disease as compare to men. A mother may transmit the disease to her unborn child. The disease is diagnosed by testing the urine, urethra in males, or cervix in females. If left untreated, could become very dangerous.

SYMPTOMS- In men, the symptoms of gonorrhea usually surface between two to three days, while in women symptoms may take up to weeks. They include painful or burning feelings during urination, vaginal discharge, pain in lower abdomen, painful sexual intercourse, pus at the tip of penis, abnormal urge to urinate, irregular menstruation, foul odor in private part, fever.

CAUSES- Bacterial infection through sexual intercourse with infected person.

REMEDY – Get one hundred naira worth of grinded tobacco (taba/snoff) pour in one litre of lime juice. Shake very well and take one shot or half teacup full- morning and night till symptom disappear.

March 01, 2019


                        Photo: Aids illustration

There may be speculations about whether HIVAIDS can be cured or not. However, studies have shown that some herbs possess a strong anti-viral property that can subdue and eliminate the virus that causes aids in the human body, some of these herbs are Phyllanthus amerus and Momordica charantia combine with pure coconut oil. ( the description of these herbs is on the hepatitis remedy page, Click here to see.

Get much of these two herbs, dry them properly and grind them, then add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and drink- twice a day or simply add three or four of the dried leaves each into a cup of hot water, allow cooling, sieve or filter, and drink- twice or thrice a day.
 Or you may use the recommendation for hepatitis in this blog.
Ensure to take two tablespoons of pure coconut oil with the herbal products and eat three nuts of bitter kola daily.

Bitter kola

SYMPTOMS- Sweating mostly at night, muscle soreness, mouth or genital ulcer, joint pain, diarrhea, headache, weakness, weight loss,  shortness of breath, high fever, skin rashes or bumps, blurred vision, chronic fatigue, feeling cold most of a time, coated tongue or mouth, inexplicable feelings. The symptoms of aids are numerous and show according to the severity.

CAUSES- HIV-virus is contracted through sex or blood contact with an infected person or object.

PREVENTION- Abstinence from sex, using protective like a good condom during sex, sterilize the clipper or razor before use, don’t share a razor with others - prevention is better than cure. 
Go for a regular checkups and don’t panic about the result. Abstinence remains the best cure. Declare in Jesus' name that you shall not die but live to glorify God - for by His stripes we are healed.

NOTE – Hiv/aids and other viral infections are not such kind of health diseases one can cure in just a few days, you must be ready to take this remedy and undergo a strict regimen of avoiding processed foods and drink, no limes, no sugar, no alcohol, no food made of flour such as bread, eggroll, cakes e.t.c. until the virus is drastically reduced or eliminated from the system completely.

                              Phyllantus Amerus

                                    Momordica charantia

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comments that pertain to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

March 01, 2019


Hepatitis Illustration

Hepatitis B and C are different diseases entirely but the effects of all-cause inflammation of the liver, which may be acute or chronic. 
Hepatitis is a viral infection and the chronic stages can eventually cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The disease can be transmitted by blood contact, though there are different ways of contacting it. Those who are properly vaccinated have a stronger resistant immune system against hepatitis.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Symptoms vary with individuals, and depend on the trace, but here are some of the common complaints- fatigue, vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, stomach pain, fever, depression, bad breath, depression e.t.c.

CAUSES- They are mostly caused by viruses. Other factors may also contribute- excessive intake of some kind of drugs [medication] especially synthetic drugs, excessive intake of alcohol, exposure to some form of chemicals [toxins], intake of contaminated fluid, and so on.

REMEDY- Phylantus amerus, mormodica charantia leaves or bitter leaves, wash properly, pound, put in a pot, add enough water and boil for some time, allow cooling, then pour into a plastic gallon and add some pure coconut oil and some pure honey to preserve.

DOSAGE- One teacup or a mug full – three times a day, till your viral load is flushed out.  

NOTE- Hepatitis, HIV, and other viral infections are not an ailment one can cure in just a few days. You will need to take the product for up to four months or more before the virus can be flushed out totally from your system.

                                                                        Phyllantus Amerus

URHOBO - Iyeke
IGBO     -  Ngwu Igbo
 Photo : Momordica Charantia

URHOBO - Ujiro
YORUBA - Ejirin wewe
IGBO     - okwunoulo

You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

February 28, 2019


The prostate is located just below the bladder where urine is stored. The prostate may become enlarged due to various contributory factors, as it enlarges, the layer of tissues surrounding it deprives it from expanding, causing the gland to press against the urethra and bladder wall to become less flexible causing pains and discomfort. Due to this pressure, the bladder begins to malfunction. Learn about the things to do or take in order to prevent prostate enlargement.

SYMPTOMS – Frequent but poor urinary flow, painful urination, a feeling that the bladder is not quite empty  even just after urination, painful and bloody ejaculation[semen], erectile dysfunction, frequent night urination.

CAUSES – Aging, hereditary, hormonal disorders, dietary fat, toxins, infection, and diseases.

PREVENTION- Avoid foods that are high in cholesterol and fat especially processed foods and drinks, avoid too much alcohol, eat fish and cut down or avoid red meats, take foods, drinks, and supplements that are high in vitamins and minerals, like vegetables, watermelon, red grape, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, garlic and ginger and drink so much water.
Tomatoes are a good remedy for the prostate, eat some fresh tomatoes on a daily basis.

 REMEDY- Get some, pumpkin seed (Ugu seed), red grape oranges, and limes, wash all thoroughly,  cut the limes in pieces and grapes oranges in pieces, pound the rest, put all in a pot, add about three liters of water and cook properly, allow cooling and pour into a container, if you wish, you can add some honey.

DOSAGE: One teacup or one mug full- morning and night, especially one or two hours before meal.

You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.
February 28, 2019


Escherichia coli simply referred to e. coli is a bacterium that is common in the lower abdomen of warm blooded animals. Some strain of this bacteria is harmless, but some can cause serious food poisoning in human especially serotype 0157:H7.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE – Stomach obsession or abdominal cramping, bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, occasional blood in stool e.t.c. 

CAUSES – Infected meat, vegetables, fruit, water, and other food not hygienical produced or properly cooked, contaminated swimming pools, lake and rivers, eating with dirty hands and not washing of hands after defecating.

However, symptom varies according to severity.


Since some of the symptoms can easily be contributed to other illnesses and infections, the only way to know if you are infected with the harmful strain of E. coli is by having a test performed by your health care provider. Preventing the spread of E. coli is possible by making you cook beef so that no pink remains in the middle. You should wash raw vegetables before eating them. If you are cooking the vegetables, you should still wash them before cooking them. Heat will kill the bacteria preventing infection.

REMEDY – Get aidan fruit spice (Tetrapleura tetraptera (eve ewe in urhobo), some nutmeg, long black pepper some dried neem leaves (dogoyaro) and some limes. Wash them properly and pound the rest and cut the limes in pieces, put them in a pot and add about two litres of water, cook for some minutes, filter and pour the liquid in a clean container.
DOSAGE- Half teacup or mug full –morning and night. Or you can contact me for the already made product.

OPTION B. You can simple cut the items in pieces, pour into a container and add hot drink- gin - whiskey and take one shot- morning and night.

     AIDAN FRUIT                                                              LONG BLACK PEPPER

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.                                   

February 28, 2019


Photo: Illustration only

Miscarriage is a term used in referring to a situation where pregnancy terminates unexpectedly after a few weeks or months of conception. Apart from deliberate abortion, miscarriage is the most common way of losing pregnancy. It’s been estimated that most miscarriages occur between thirteenth and fourteenth weeks (three months plus) of pregnancy.

They are caused by various factors, the most common cause result from chromosomal abnormalities- which means, there was a problem with the chromosome that formed the fetus.

CAUSES INCLUDE- Hormonal disorders, lifestyle like- smoking- drug abuse- excessive caffeine consumption, and exposure to chemical substances and toxins, fibroid, infections like staphylococcus, gonorrhea e.t.c.

WARNING SIGNS OF POSSIBLE OR IMPEDING MISCARRIAGE – Constant back pain, sudden weigh loss, painful experiences in and around the abdomen and the upper waist region, constant bleeding, sudden depreciation in pregnancy, pinkish mucus discharge, abnormalities from previous operation, accident, attack or brutality that may have affected the pregnancy.

REMEDY – In trying to deal with the problems of frequent miscarriage, the first thing to do is run a total test of all the possible known causes to ascertain what the problem really is and  treat it with the appropriate recommendation among the disorder mentioned in this book.  In case of physical accidental injuries, go to the hospital and see a doctor.
Incase of infections like staphylococcus. click here to get solution


You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.                                   


Tuesday, 27 February 2018

February 27, 2018


Photo: Illustration purpose only

This could be normal during pregnancy and menopause, abnormal at any other time. Various factors contribute to the problems.

CAUSES INCLUDE – Infections/sexually transmitted diseases, fibroid, pre-menstrual fright, anxiety, grief, emotional disturbances, womb displacement or malfunctioning, serious illness, and hormonal disorders.

REMEDY- Take the recommendation for gonorrhea, candidiasis, or staph in the case of infections or get some parsley leaves, coriander leaves, three beetroots, ginger, and garlic, wash and pound the ginger and garlic, slice the beetroot into pieces, put all in a pot add some volume of water depending on the quantity of the products you got, cook and allow cooling, pour into a gallon and add a bottle of pure honey.
DOSAGE – one mug or one little teacup, morning and evening.

If you think the cause is not infections, add a tablespoon of black treacle or molasses in a cup of warm water a drink - morning and night to symptoms improves.

NOTE: You may combine both recommendations for the total solution just in case.


Painful menstruation is also known as dysmenorrheal is mostly caused by some abnormal conditions like sexually transmitted diseases, fibroid, ovarian mass, and hormonal disorders e.t.c.
REMEDY – Go for a checkup to find out what causes it. Get any of the recommendations for fibroid, any sexually transmitted diseases and ovarian mass.

Or use the above recommendations for ceased/ scanty menstruation.

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant women. Take multivitamins along with a long-duration treatment. Besides, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult your doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage, and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.