Friday, 3 February 2023


Photo: Illustration 

Staying young, smart, and agile is all about lifestyle in normal circumstances. Sportsmen and women, artists, and models always appear younger and agile. The fact is that they are consigned about their look, therefore, they employ all possible means that will help enhance or achieve a younger and perfect look. Besides, looking good is good and staying young is even better, don’t go growing old before you are due. Take these tips, they will help you.

1. EXERCISE – A lot of people don’t even indulge in the simplest form of exercise like walking a few miles or jumping for a while in a week. Exercising doesn’t really mean lifting some heavy objects in the gym and running 2-5 hours at a stretch, it could be a walk, running, or jumping up to 2- 3 hours per week as long as your legs are involved. Any exercise that does not engage the legs is not considered as exercise. Exercise helps to wake the activities of the body to function as expected and also helps to rid of the unwanted. So get going a few miles weekly.

2. CHECK YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE – You must regularly check, monitor and regulate your blood pressure to avoid hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is the major contributor to various serious health problems including stroke, diabetes, heart diseases e.t.c. don’t say I have no high blood pressure as they don’t always show any sign until it causes serious problems.

3. DON’T SMOKE – By smoking, you are simply telling your body ‘I don’t like you or I want you to look older; smoking also causes a lot of health hazards and helps in speeding up aging, faster! By exposing the body to deadly diseases that could destroy the immune system. Besides, marijuana smoking and the use of cocaine, heroin has been found out to be the causes of over 85% of mad cases among people this day. Avoid all forms of smoking.

4. CHECK YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVEL– Excess cholesterol level in the body is one of the major causes of aging after sickness or diseases. It slows down the body's metabolism living the body at the mercy of infections and diseases like kidney disorders heart diseases e.t.c. and when these organs are not functioning properly, the body suffers. Simply avoid processed food, cut down on eggs are meat instead, eat enough fish.

5. EAT ENOUGH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE – Fruit and vegetables contain all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to maintain good health. When you take them always, you won’t fall sick because these vitamins and minerals will boost your immune system to fight any infections and diseases.

6. HAVE UP TO EIGHT HOURS SLEEP PER NIGHT – After the day's hectic activities, you need enough rest to compensate the body or else, the body will be stressed up and eventually mount up depression and complete nervous breakdown.

7. SMILE – Smiling is not just an expression but a healing force. When you smile, it passes a positive signal to the heart and around the body, stimulating the cells to function normally.

8. DO BODY AND FACE MASSAGING – The tissue in your face especially, can become Hardened thereby hindering the flow of blood and oxygen in the face. This can cause wrinkles or heaviness upon the face, making you look or appear older and dull to people. Massage with natural oil or cream.

9. DON’T USE HIGHLY CHEMICALIZED OR BLEACHING CREAM - You may look beautiful using them now, but you are simply destroying your skin layers. With time you will look miserable and older if you don’t stop using them now that it has not done much destruction.

10. DO NOT EAT AND GO TO BED IMMEDIATELY - A lot of people make this mistake by eating and going to bed immediately, it is not good at all. Walk around for a while to enable the food to digest or else your body system will be on “standby׳ till the next day, meaning it will delay the body metabolism process.

11. INDULGE IN FASTING ON FRUIT – Apart from the spiritual benefits, fasting also has so many health benefits. For instance, when you fast, you detoxify your body. Fasting also helps to rid off bad cholesterol and fat deposit. Study shows that people who occasionally fast lead a healthier life than those who do not. But don’t overdo it.

12. .Take sufficient water but not while you eat and not during exercise. Physiologically, it’s not good for you to take too much water while you eat and not during exercise.

13. Do not forget to de-worm yourself and your children every three to four months. 1
14. Do not eat too much food at a time.
15. Do not take too many cold drinks or water.
16. Do not let your waist circumference go beyond 36 inches.
 17. Avoid strenuous or stressful jobs.
 18. Don’t take too much antioxidant or drug overdose.
19. Read books and meditate, no worries and anxieties.
 20. Always have a positive thought about yourself and others.
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
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