Saturday 2 March 2019


 Internal heat is a situation of burning sensation internally. Women face this problem more often than men. Sometimes, the heat starts from the stomach, the chest, the throat, or the waist region and radiates all through the body.

Some persons feel very hot from the inside (high core temperature) but would have a normal temperature outside the body (skin temperature)

Moreover, some will feel intense internal body heat and will start sweating profusely while others will only feel hot within without sweating.

Internal heat occurs irrespective of the environmental or atmospheric conditions and may sometimes come with headaches, tiredness, and rapid heartbeat.
There are several factors that can cause internal body heat. These factors range from minor to major. 

Below are some of them:

  • Illness and medical conditions such as malaria, Infections, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, insomnia, seizures, muscular agitations, neurological disorders.
  • Dehydration
  • Hot atmospheric conditions prevent proper core body temperature regulation through sweating.
  • Improper clothing, Strenuous physical activities, or exercise
  • Certain drugs and stimulants such as cocaine etc
  • Excessive worry and Emotional problems and lots more.

It is, therefore,  important that one should study his/her body very well to know the exact actions that trigger the internal heat.

Knowing these things that trigger it will help you to avoid them as much as possible.

Other causes include

Free radicals like internal worms and bacteria infections

Hot and Spicy foods
Oil and fried foods
Foods rich in sodium
Caffeine and Alcohol
Cigarette smoke
It's also a sign of an allergy.

Always take garlic, cucumber, Watermelon, and other fruits.

When a woman is pregnant and also experiencing internal heat, it could be a result of the change that occurs inside of her body.
REMEDY- Please go for a test for infection or a general test. In case of infection, look for the cure of that infection from this blog or Get some garlic, black pepper, onion, and avocado pear leaves, wash, pound them, pour in a pot and add some water, cook for some minutes. Allow cooling, filter out the decoction, pour into a container, and add a bottle of pure honey.
DOSAGE- Half teacup- three times a day.

If symptoms persist, go to the hospital.
If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.
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