Friday, 1 March 2019


Hepatitis Illustration

Hepatitis B and C are different diseases entirely but the effects of all-cause inflammation of the liver, which may be acute or chronic. 
Hepatitis is a viral infection and the chronic stages can eventually cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The disease can be transmitted by blood contact, though there are different ways of contacting it. Those who are properly vaccinated have a stronger resistant immune system against hepatitis.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Symptoms vary with individuals, and depend on the trace, but here are some of the common complaints- fatigue, vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, stomach pain, fever, depression, bad breath, depression e.t.c.

CAUSES- They are mostly caused by viruses. Other factors may also contribute- excessive intake of some kind of drugs [medication] especially synthetic drugs, excessive intake of alcohol, exposure to some form of chemicals [toxins], intake of contaminated fluid, and so on.

REMEDY- Phylantus amerus, mormodica charantia leaves or bitter leaves, wash properly, pound, put in a pot, add enough water and boil for some time, allow cooling, then pour into a plastic gallon and add some pure coconut oil and some pure honey to preserve.

DOSAGE- One teacup or a mug full – three times a day, till your viral load is flushed out.  

NOTE- Hepatitis, HIV, and other viral infections are not an ailment one can cure in just a few days. You will need to take the product for up to four months or more before the virus can be flushed out totally from your system.

                                                                        Phyllantus Amerus

URHOBO - Iyeke
IGBO     -  Ngwu Igbo
 Photo : Momordica Charantia

URHOBO - Ujiro
YORUBA - Ejirin wewe
IGBO     - okwunoulo

You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant women. Take multivitamins along with a long-duration treatment. Besides, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this book for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.

If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you,r doctor.

Most of the recommendations in this book are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage, and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as a substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.