Showing posts with label Infertility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infertility. Show all posts

Friday, 3 February 2023

February 03, 2023


The major causes of men's infertility problems are either as a result of damage to the reproductive system by infections, external factors, or when the veins in a man’s testicles are too large as a result of heat on the testicle. Sperm is the male reproductive component compulsory to complete the fertilization process involved in conception. Though there are millions of sperm cells that flow through the female reproductive system after ejaculation, just one is enough to fertilize the egg. Sadly, many men have the problems of low sperm count or a total absence of active cells in their semen-azoospermia. This can result in infertility in men.

CAUSES- Other contributing factors apart from those mentioned above are, the use of steroids, masturbation, smoking, high intake of sugar, and lack of some essential vitamins and minerals like Vit B2, Vit A, Vit E, magnesium, folic acid. and beta carotene found in green vegetable leaves, carrot, groundnut, water leaves, fruits, meats, eggs e.t.c.
HOW TO PREVENT LOW SPERM COUNT - Avoid the use of illicit drugs, tobacco, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking, avoid heat around your scrotum by not wearing tight pants, boxer, and other things that may cause heat to it, avoid sitting for too long, also avoid junk foods, sweetened beverages. Take enough vitamins and minerals like Vit E and A, folic acid, zinc, selenium, eat sufficient pumpkin leaves and seeds, beans, carrots, beets, chili pepper, groundnut e.t.c. Regular but mild exercise promotes good health in general.
REMEDY – Treat yourself of infections like staphylococcus if you have it, stop taking or indulging in any of those things mentioned as causes. Get some fresh okra, cotton leaves, guava leaves, and a root they call “gbolo” in Yoruba, wash and pound the leaves and okra, cut the roots in pieces, put all in a gallon, add some water and a bottle of pure honey.
One-shot, or mug full - morning and night. Another food that boosts sperm is pap (akamu) , kunu or any food or drink made with guinea corn.

WARNING- Avoid drinking or taking anything that contains soya beans when you already have a low sperm count, it may reduce your sperm count more.

The major causes of men's infertility problems are either as a result of damage to the reproductive system by infections, external factors, or when the veins in a man’s testicles are too large as a result of heat on the testicle.

Sperm is the male reproductive component compulsory to complete the fertilization process involved in conception. Though there are millions of sperm cells that flow through the female reproductive system after ejaculation, just one is enough to fertilize the egg. Sadly, many men have the problems of low sperm count or a total absence of active cells in their semen-azoospermia. This can result in infertility in men.

CAUSES- Other contributing factors apart from those mentioned above are, the use of steroids, masturbation, smoking, high intake of sugar, and lack of some essential vitamins and minerals like Vit B2, Vit A, Vit E, magnesium, folic acid. and beta carotene found in green vegetable leaves, carrot, groundnut, water leaves, fruits, meats, eggs e.t.c. 

HOW TO PREVENT LOW SPERM COUNT - Avoid the use of illicit drugs, tobacco, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking, avoid heat around your scrotum by not wearing tight pants, boxer, and other things that may cause heat to it, avoid sitting for too long, also avoid junk foods, sweetened beverages. Take enough vitamins and minerals like Vit E and A, folic acid, zinc, selenium, eat sufficient pumpkin leaves and seeds, beans, carrots, beets, chili pepper, groundnut e.t.c. Regular but mild exercise promotes good health in general.
Feel like buying me a drink? I will be grateful indeed. please. Click here 
Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

February 28, 2019


Fibroid, also known as false pregnancy is a benign tumor [non cancerous] which  grows in and around the uterus, may obstruct, hinder or prevent a woman from getting pregnant.

It affects women mostly in their reproductive age and may gradually disappears during menopause. They are some of the major causes of infertility, miscarriage, premature labour, and bleeding during pregnancy. Its interference with the position of fetus [developing baby in the womb] may eventually suffocate the baby and resulting to death in the womb.
Other risk factors of fibroid may include diabetes, obesity, hypertension and ovary syndrome- Fibroid are barriers indeed!

TYPES OF FIBROID- There are four major types of fibroid:

1.  Intramural Fibroids

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These type of fibroid appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can enlarge the womb.

2.  Subserosal Fibroids

Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of the uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.

3. Pedunculated Fibroids

When subserosal tumors develop a stem or protrude (a slender base that supports the tumor), they become pedunculated fibroids.

4.Submucosal Fibroids

Submucocal Fibroid develop in the middle muscle layer (myometrium) of your uterus. Submucosal tumors are not as common as other types, but when they develop, they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- The symptoms of fibroid depend mostly on the location and type of the fibroid, the following are some of the common complaint  from patient - Painful sexual intercourse, low back pain, bowel discomfort, irregular and heavy, thick menstrual flow accompanied with pain, frequent urination, painful defecation.

CAUSES- The major cause of fibroid is hormonal imbalance, high estrogen level. Apart from hormone, various factors also cause or contribute to the growth of fibroid like untreated sexually transmitted diseases (infections), miscarriage, D&C (abortion), use of contraceptive- birth control medication which a lot of woman and girls are taking to prevent pregnancy, not knowing the danger behind it, too much intake of sugar and sugary drink, yogurt, lack of exercise, hereditary- as they are common in some family. And so on.

REMEDY - Get some Ginger, black long pepper [xylopia aethiopica] beetroot, Piper nigrum, [Black pepper] dogoyaro leaves, Spondia mombin leaves and Mormodica Charantin leaves, [bitter gurd], senna leaves and - wash and pound these items, pour into a pot and add sis litres of water, cook them very well, allow cooling and filter out the juice, add some Vinegar [apple cider or white acetic]  pour into a bigger gallon.

DOSAGE- One teacup or a mug full - about one hour before meal - two or three times a day.
While you take this, also take fruits, carrot, cucumber e.t.c and cabbage, also drink much water on a daily basis. Do avoid sugar, bread, any sweet drink, yoghurt, hot drink, beer, meat .

OPTION 2: Eat 15 fruit of unripe palm kernel seed. 

OPTION 3: Add three tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and add a tablespoon of molasses into it and drink- Repeat every morning and night.











URHOBO - Echacha



HAUSA - Dogoyaro

URHOBO - Ujiro


URHOBO - Oghighen

You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

February 28, 2019


Sperm Pour Or Sperm Leak, also known as involuntary emmission occurs when after sexual intercourse, sperm pours out of the vagina either while you are still lying down or after some hours after you are up.

Types Of Sperm Leak   

 There are two types of sperm pour.

Sperm pour while you are lying down and Sperm pour after standing up.
Let’s look at each type briefly.
Sperm pour while lying down – This is the most common type of sperm pour women experience.
This type of sperm pour occurs immediately after the penis is ejected from the vagina after ejaculation.
It can get annoying seeing  sperm flowing out from the vagina immediately after sex.
Sperm pour after standing up – This type of sperm pour is the most devastating of the two types.
Just imagine after sex, no leak, while she is savoring the moments of sexual bliss while still on the bed, suddenly come out after she must have slept and at times after she must have taken a shower before going to bed. This may occur after about 2-3 hours after sex.

Sperm pour is not only a woman thing, it's not usually in all cases that women are the cause of sperm pour. Men also are causative agents.


Pressure on the uterine tube can force back sperm from the vaginal during sexual intercourse. Others causes are:


Low Sperm Quality
Cervical Mucus
Disturbing friendly bacteria in Vagina
Internal Heat
uterine prolapse or womb shift
Antisperm Antibodies
Retroverted Uterus
Long Penis
9. D & C

Obviously one major cause of infertility today is Sperm Leak or Sperm Pour. If you wish to get pregnant after intercourse, then try to having orgasm at the same time with your husband or just after he ejaculate. By this, the chances of getting pregnant are increased. Also try to raise your waist region with a pillow during intercourse or raise your two legs up and stand on your head just after your husband ejaculate and you have had orgasm. The raising of legs may seem childish, but if you really want to get pregnant, then be childish in this game.

If you think the cause is as a result of infection or internal heat, then check this blog for cure. Let your man go for sperm evaluation. If his sperm quality is poor- low sperm count, then  Click here for solution

You may also go for womb massage to set your womb in proper position if that is that cause.


You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.    
February 28, 2019


When a woman is unable to get pregnant after a long period of trying to, it’s assume that she is infertile or having the problem of infertility. Infertility can be quite worrisome to both men and women, members of the family and well wishers. The worries get compounded as time passes when nothing seems to be working as a remedy.
A woman's inability to conceive can be very traumatic and depressing, but worries will only compound situation. Therefore, stay positive, have faith, daily it daily that you must give birth to children and not be barren.

CAUSES -  The major causes of infertility in women is hormonal disorders, fibroid, mis-use of contraceptives, abortion, infections or disease, obesity, absent of menstruation or ovulation, fallopian tube blockade and other abnormalities within the reproductive organs.

REMEDY – Add two tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and two tablespoon of organic molasses or black treacle in a cup of warm water and drink, three times a day,

Also eat sufficient vegetable and fruits, like cucumber, watermelon. Go for test to know the cause, treat infections, fibroid or ovarian cyst if you have any. In you need a total cure for any stubborn infection, Fallopian tube blockade, ovarian cyst and menstruation problems, call me on 08103478607.

Avoid junk for such bread and any other food made with flour, avoid yughurt, ice cream, sugar and sugary drinks, avoid alcohol.

N/B- Miracle works in prayer, if you believe.
Stay happy. Good luck.

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.                 

February 28, 2019


Photo: Illustration only

Miscarriage is a term used in referring to a situation where pregnancy terminates unexpectedly after a few weeks or months of conception. Apart from deliberate abortion, miscarriage is the most common way of losing pregnancy. It’s been estimated that most miscarriages occur between thirteenth and fourteenth weeks (three months plus) of pregnancy.

They are caused by various factors, the most common cause result from chromosomal abnormalities- which means, there was a problem with the chromosome that formed the fetus.

CAUSES INCLUDE- Hormonal disorders, lifestyle like- smoking- drug abuse- excessive caffeine consumption, and exposure to chemical substances and toxins, fibroid, infections like staphylococcus, gonorrhea e.t.c.

WARNING SIGNS OF POSSIBLE OR IMPEDING MISCARRIAGE – Constant back pain, sudden weigh loss, painful experiences in and around the abdomen and the upper waist region, constant bleeding, sudden depreciation in pregnancy, pinkish mucus discharge, abnormalities from previous operation, accident, attack or brutality that may have affected the pregnancy.

REMEDY – In trying to deal with the problems of frequent miscarriage, the first thing to do is run a total test of all the possible known causes to ascertain what the problem really is and  treat it with the appropriate recommendation among the disorder mentioned in this book.  In case of physical accidental injuries, go to the hospital and see a doctor.
Incase of infections like staphylococcus. click here to get solution


You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.                                   


Tuesday, 27 February 2018

February 27, 2018


Photo: Illustration purpose only

This could be normal during pregnancy and menopause, abnormal at any other time. Various factors contribute to the problems.

CAUSES INCLUDE – Infections/sexually transmitted diseases, fibroid, pre-menstrual fright, anxiety, grief, emotional disturbances, womb displacement or malfunctioning, serious illness, and hormonal disorders.

REMEDY- Take the recommendation for gonorrhea, candidiasis, or staph in the case of infections or get some parsley leaves, coriander leaves, three beetroots, ginger, and garlic, wash and pound the ginger and garlic, slice the beetroot into pieces, put all in a pot add some volume of water depending on the quantity of the products you got, cook and allow cooling, pour into a gallon and add a bottle of pure honey.
DOSAGE – one mug or one little teacup, morning and evening.

If you think the cause is not infections, add a tablespoon of black treacle or molasses in a cup of warm water a drink - morning and night to symptoms improves.

NOTE: You may combine both recommendations for the total solution just in case.


Painful menstruation is also known as dysmenorrheal is mostly caused by some abnormal conditions like sexually transmitted diseases, fibroid, ovarian mass, and hormonal disorders e.t.c.
REMEDY – Go for a checkup to find out what causes it. Get any of the recommendations for fibroid, any sexually transmitted diseases and ovarian mass.

Or use the above recommendations for ceased/ scanty menstruation.

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant women. Take multivitamins along with a long-duration treatment. Besides, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult your doctor.


Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage, and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.