Thursday 28 February 2019


The appendix is an organ shaped like a finger attached to the lower right side of the lower abdomen. The organ may become blocked and swollen resulting to an inflammation, a health disorder medically known as appendicitis. If not treated or removed, the appendix may burst releasing a very poisonous substance which can cause a very serious and fatal condition.

CAUSES – The causes of appendicitis may not be clearly pinpoint: though certain disorders and other factors could trigger appendicitis; It could result from an infections which causes gastrointestinal problems, the intake of some form of substances like tobacco, and other drugs. 

Since the appendix is a very fragile organ, pressure caused by intense exercise or other rigorous activities may cause a minor inflammation or pain in the appendix and may become complicated if such activities should continue. Other factors may contribute to the problems of appendicitis.

SYMPTOMS – sharp pains at the right of the lower abdomen, the pains usually increase over a period of time. Other symptoms that may follow include, vomiting after the abdominal pains, fever, high body temperature, loss of appetite, some persons may experience diarrhea or constipation accompanied with gas and minor pains when urinating. At these stages, immediate medical attention is required.

CAUTION – It is better to start treating appendix once symptom is noticed. The chronic stage of appendicitis may have no other option of treatment rather than surgery. Therefore, those with chronic and serious cases should not substitute the remedy recommended below for professional surgical operation.

REMEDY – Get about five wonderful kola, some dried Scent leave, ginger, garlic and about eight limes, wash, pound, then cut the limes in pieces, put all in a pot, add about tree or two litres of water and cook for some minutes, cooling. Then pour into a plastic container to preserve.
DOSAGE- One little teacup or mug full – one or two hours before or after meal. 

It works best on an empty stomach, but don’t completely empty your stomach for this reason, you can take some fruits like cucumber, butter pear along instead.

Ensure to avoid junk food, drinks and high acid fruit, foods and drinks.

                                         WONDERFUL KOLA

You may include other remedy you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere.
Only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. Comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant woman. Take multivitamins along with a long duration treatment. Beside, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult you doctor.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any mis-use of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.