Friday 1 March 2019


Arthritis is a disorder that causes inflammation or hot flashes, stiffness, swelling, and pains in the connective tissues and joints. There are many forms of arthritis, including the very painful rheumatoid arthritis. 
Arthritis affects more women than men and pregnant woman stand the risk of having temporal arthritis and rheumatism as a result of the drastic changes that take place in her body.

SYMPTOMS – connective tissues and joint pain, swelling, stiffness, extreme tiredness, difficult or painful movement, discomfort.

CAUSES – Age, hereditary, overworked joint, very cold water or drink, injury, infections, joint disorders e.t.c.

REMEDY – Get some avocado pear leaves (butter pear leaves) some garlic, ginger, black round pepper(Piper nigrum), long black pepper (Xylopia aethiopica), wash and pound, put in a pot, add about two liters of water, cook for some minutes, allow cooling, pour into a gallon, add  35cl bottle of pure honey and preserve.
DOSAGE – one shot, one to two hours before a meal- three times a day. If the symptoms persist, contact me for other better products.
OPTION - Cut all the herbs and put in a gallon and fill with any gin or hot drink you like if you prefer alcohol- one-shot or two ounces - money and night.

PREVENTION: If you are constantly suffering from the problems of arthritis, you must avoid drinking very cold water, avoid standing for a very long time, Ensure to do some workout (exercise). watch your weight as overweight is a major cause of Rheumatoid arthritis.

   Black round pepper(Piper nigrum) and Long black pepper (Xylopia aethiopica)

You may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. Comments that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are not for children below six years of age and pregnant women. Take multivitamins along with a long-duration treatment. Besides, too much of anything is bad; therefore, do not use the herbs or roots mentioned in this blog for an extended period of time without consulting a specialist.  If you observe any unusual pain while taking any of the recommendations,  stop taking it immediately.
If symptoms persist after two weeks, Consult your, doctor.

Most of the recommendations in this blog are based on research, proven folklore – traditional heritage, and new generation common knowledge. Therefore, should not be used as a substitute or replacement for professional conventional treatment. We take into consideration the fact that some persons may want to do otherwise and not follow the instructions as recommended; therefore, the publisher or specialist shall not be held for any misuse of the recommendations. Your use of this recommendation is therefore at your own decision.