Friday 3 February 2023


                              Photo: illustration purpose only

Typhoid fever is usually caused by salmonella typhi bacteria. It’s contacted by the injection of contaminated food and water. 

Symptoms may last up to two weeks or more in the infected person and maybe severe with those with a weak immune system and children that have not been vaccinated. Typhoid is far less common in industrialized and developed nations but has a stronghold in less developed nations due to poor sanitation.

SYMPTOMS MAY INCLUDE- Headache, dry throat, abdominal pains, backache, rashes, diarrhea in children, constipation in adults, loss of appetite, weakness, a coated tongue that looks whitish, inflammation of the bones, higher body temperature that reaches up to 40 degrees and usually subside at night and increases in the morning.

CAUSES – Poor sanitation/dirty environment, improper diet, habit, contaminated foods, and water.

  FIRST AIDS TREATMENT – The first step in treating typhoid is to take very many fresh oranges or pineapples (Vitamin C.). 
Get a bowl of hot water and another bowl of cold water, dip your feet in the hot and in the cold water alternatively in an interval of thirty seconds to regulate your body temperature. 

If the body is very hot and temperature is high,  then soak the white part of a broken raw eggs with a handkerchief or very small towel, place it on both feet, and wear socks over it, or break the egg in a bowl and place your feet on the bowl or pound some raw onions or potatoes, stuck in a suck and wear it. It will drag down the high temperature from the brain where it is potentially dangerous to the feet till it stops.

REMEDY – Get three Lipton tea, the bark of a mango tree -optional), Four grape oranges, yellowish pawpaw leaves, about ten chloroquine leaves, and about ten lime oranges, cut all others except the Lipton tea in pieces, put in a pot, add about 4 litres of water, Cook, and allow cooling.

DOSAGE: Take one teacup or a mug full as an adult then give half of the dose to children above twelve and a shot or 10ml to 15ml of it to children below twelve years of age. 

N/B – Cleanliness is next to Godliness, keep your environment clean at all times, always cover your foods to avoid contamination, and drink from a clean source.




 If you want further professional natural care, Whatsapp me on +2348103478607. I will be happy to ensure you get absolute solutions.

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