Tuesday 7 September 2021


Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are solid matters of dissolved minerals in the urine. They form inside the kidney or bladder and they vary in size, from as small as little grain of sand to as large as the size of a golf or tennis ball.

SYMPTOMS – Symptoms of kidney stones depends on the location and size of the stone, but here are some of the common complaints- frequent urination, bloody urine, testicular pains, difficulty urinating, cold and fever, sharp pains low back, the abdomen, groin, bladder e.t.c and may also cause vomiting and nausea.

CAUSES - Urinary tract infections, uric acid, dehydration, strenuous exercise, high calcium concentration in urine, hormonal disorders, excessive intake of some kind of conventional medicines, genetic factors.
TREATMENT- The first step of the cure is to be drinking so much water on a daily basis. Avoid acidic food and drink especially alcoholic drinks, all junk food- soft drinks. eat vegetable and cucumber often.

Photo: Phyllanthus Amerus illustration
URHOBO - Iyeke
IGBO     -

HERBAL REMEDY- Parsley leaves and Phyllanthus amerus leaves, wash properly, pound them, cut the limes in pieces, put all in a pot, add about two liters of water depending on the quantity of the leaves, boil for about twenty to thirty-five minutes.
Allow cooling and pour it into a four-liter gallon or put it in a refrigerator to preserve.
You may also add half a bottle of pure natural honey.

DOSAGE – One mug or 50ml - morning and evening.

Alternatively, wash the leaves, dry very well and add a teaspoon of the grinded powder in a cup of hot water, allow cooling, and drink. morning & night.

NOTE; You can use any of the two leaves apart from both.

Please, you may include other remedies you know in the comment section of this post, by so doing, you are saving a life somewhere. The only comment that pertains to remedy alone is allowed. A comment may be deleted if we find it vulgar.