Thursday 2 April 2020


Poor memory is a situation of lack of mental clarity, caused by various factors. It’s a condition that deprives one from thinking and reasoning clearly or making a good judgment. People who suffer from chronic or acute poor memory/ forgetfulness may be having dementia or Alzheimer's disease. This disease is commonly found among old people; however, development may start early in younger people. 
SYMPTOMS- forgetfulness, irrational statement, mental confusion, slurred and incoherent speech e.t.c.
CAUSES- Bio-chemical imbalance, nutrient deficiency, the use of drug and caffeine, depression, infections, chronic fatigue, stress, Alzheimer's disease or dementia. e.t.c.

REMEDY – Take a balanced diet, drink tea of grinded thyme and rosemary spice or mix both with pure honey and take two tablespoons -morning and evening- one tablespoon for children. If you are to take it as a tea, then also inhale the hot vapour of the tea before drinking it. 


Fasting occasionally will help to eliminate waist and toxins, take food that is high in magnesium, calcium like onion,  garlic, lime,  milk, cut down on alcohol and stop smoking, every morning take a deep breathe through one of your nostrils while pinning down the other with one of your fingers, then release the one you pinned down and breathe out through it, repeat this simple brain exercise always, it improves memory by clearing the brain hemisphere. The use of coconut oil, high-quality protein omega ‘3’ oil found in fish has been found to be good for memory and brain fog. Give your brain some exercise by always reading, studying and learning new things. Nevertheless, bacteria also cause poor memory, for instance, if the catarrh from the nose is having a foul smell or you have bad breath; in that case, Squeeze some fresh scent leave and drop the fresh juice inside your nostril. It will kill the bacteria and improve your faculty. Don’t be dull, Act now!
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